Smartbnb no more

Welcome to Boostly Podcast Episode 396. This is a recap of my Facebook live where I talked about SmartBnB.

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00:00 Start
00:40 About the new SmartBnB
02:10 Mini-website service

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Transcript from the Episode

I have some industry news for you. Now SmartBnB has been for many years a fantastic messaging resource for hosts all over the world. It was known as just being the Airbnb messaging system. But as you can see here, it has grown and expanded than just Airbnb. It is now integrates with and vrbo. And because of this, they have now changed their names. They used to be SmartBnb, they are now hospitable, hospitable, hospitable took me a while to get my, my vocab sorted on that one. But let me just give you a super quick rundown.

About the new SmartBnB

Like I say, it's a company that I've been aware of for a long, long time. I've used it, clients have used it recommended it loved it. And I think that is one that everybody should be paying attention to.

Now they are looking to expand, they rightly or wrongly get confused with a channel manager, they are not a channel manager, they are a smart tool that will help message automate messages your guests, it's got some really sophisticated keyword setup. And what I love about this tool is that when done right, and when done correctly, it will save hours, hours in your day. Because it helps with a lot of different ways.

So number one, it helps with the inquiry stage, which is really cool. So on an inquiry stage, say it's one o'clock in the morning, somebody sends you a message, if you don't respond, they will kick in for you which is great, but also helps from the post-booking, pre-arrival stage with questions and answers etc. And what I love now is because it's no longer just on Airbnb, it's in and vrbo is it can help you on multi-platforms. This is one of the reasons why it gets confused with a channel manager is because with the icons and the API's, it can link everything together. And so people do use it as a channel manager or light or a PMS light.

Mini-website service

Now one thing that I am very intrigued and from a personal point of view from obviously from what we do with website design is that I know that they do have a website, a mini-website design service on the way which is going to be very exciting.

This isn't a sponsored podcast, this isn't an affiliate link or anything like that. It's just I really do love this, I love the team behind it. I think they're going places. And I'm really excited that we're going to have a couple of our website clients with the API. And what we're going to hopefully be able to do with the API is, is really sync into it and offer a really cool service moving forward.

If you're fed up of always messaging your guests of having to feel like you're on all the time, or if you feel like you're spending a lot of money having to outsource this, then this could be a very, very, very cost-effective tool.

It starts at 20 euros a month and it scales up there, the more properties that you have. So if you've got five properties 45 pounds a month, you get into the you know big by levels of 10 properties as gold. It's a fantastic return of investment in my opinion.

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