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How Emma Increased Her Direct Bookings With A Facebook Competition




Emma and Zed run the Riviera Guesthouse in Whitby. She was one of the first people who attended one of my first workshops. In September 2017, Emma was one of the first people to sign up as a tester. Emma has been fantastic at learning and doing the work well about increasing her direct bookings through Facebook competitions.

Emma used to struggle with knowing how to work on specific issues, like social media, email, and how to make sure her website was the first one that people saw on Google when they were typing in “The Riviera Guesthouse Whitby”.

She took the advice, and the results were amazing. She learned how to trademark her business name, how to bid on her brand, and she stopped booking.com and Expedia and other OTAs from appearing in front of their own website.

Emma has noticed a massive shift from online travel agent bookings to direct bookings. Between her and her husband Zed and the fantastic work they do, their hospitality business has gone from strength to strength.

Over the course of the last few years, the direct bookings have increased and the bookings through the OTAs have decreased.

The Riviera Guesthouse in Whitby is a trademark, so that means Booking.com, Expedia, and any other third party cannot use their name for Google Ads. This is a big tactic that the OTAs use. It causes many hospitality businesses to lose direct bookings via a Google Search.

To read the full blog, go to  boostly.co.uk/how-emma-increased-her-direct-bookings-with-boostly/. You may also listen to the podcast by clicking the link above.

To know more about Emma, you can check out her social media profiles:

Website: www.riveriawhitby.com

Facebook: @RiveriaGuesthouseWhitby Over 13k followers

Twitter: @RivieraWhitby

Instagram: @Riviera Whitby

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