How to use social media and ‘calls to action’ with Anna Geary from ‘Get Savvy Club’

Welcome to our latest podcast episode!

In this podcast episode of the Boostly podcast, Liam Carolan interviews Anna Geary, co-host of the Marketing Made Easy podcast and co-founder of the Get Savvy Club. They discuss social media strategies and ways to improve direct bookings. Anna emphasizes the importance of clarity, consistency, and confidence in marketing efforts.

They highlight LinkedIn as a valuable platform due to its consistent reach and search functionality. TikTok is also mentioned as an option, but it's emphasized that it may not be suitable for everyone. Anna recommends leveraging alter egos to embody desired characteristics when presenting oneself online.

The Get Savvy Club, founded by Anna and Anita Baldwin, helps clients attract customers organically through social media. They have been particularly focused on assisting businesses in the property industry. Anna advises listeners to consider their ideal client, and how they want to show up and to exude certainty in their marketing approach.

Overall, the conversation centres around effective social media usage, understanding target audiences, and building confidence in marketing efforts.

Key Takeaways

  • The podcast episode features an interview with Anna Geary, co-host of the Marketing Made Easy podcast and co-founder of the Get Savvy Club.
  • The discussion revolves around social media strategies and improving direct bookings.
  • Anna highlights the importance of clarity, consistency, and confidence in marketing efforts.
  • LinkedIn is emphasized as a valuable platform due to its reach and search functionality.
  • TikTok is mentioned as an option, but it may not be suitable for everyone.

Here's the video for this episode:

Timestamps (audio)

00:00 – Intro
01:20 – What is Get Savvy Club
03:20 – Top 3 tools
06:28 – Any tips to improve confidence
10:42 – Outro

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Transcript from the Episode


[00:00:00] Liam: Hey, hey, hey. Welcome along everyone, and thank you for tuning in to the New Boostly podcast. This is the podcast that gives hosts the tools, the tactics, the training, and most importantly, the confidence on how you can get more direct bookends. So my name is Liam Carlan. And I'm Mark Simpson's co-host, and today we are shining the Boostly spotlight on Anna Geary.

[00:00:21] From the Get Savvy Club. Uh, she is also a co-host of the Marketing Made Easy podcast. And if you want to find out some more information about her as we get started, you can go to www dot get savvy Um, so today we are talking all things social media, uh, calls to action, how you can make it very easy for your, uh, customer to buy from you, and the different ways that we can do that.

[00:00:47] So Anna, welcome along and thank you for joining me.

[00:00:50] Anna: Hello. Thank you for having me on. Uh, great introduction. You've actually like looked at what I do, which is, really, really good. We're having a bit of a chat affair, weren't we? About how cold you are in the space that you are in.

[00:01:02] Liam: It is literally, I'm in this garden room at the moment and it is freezing.

[00:01:05] So if you do see me shudder on the life, you'll know why, but this is a great,

[00:01:08] Anna: I'm in the opposite. I was just saying I've had my heat. Oh, I've just not left. Microphone. Uh, I do that every time I'm on our podcast. Um, yeah, on the opposite. I like have had my heating on all day and I'm like boiling, boiling,

[00:01:19] Liam: boiling on.

What is Get Savvy Club?

[00:01:20] What is the Get Savvy Club and what problem does it solve? Yeah,

[00:01:24] Anna: so the, the Get Savvy Club, um, is me, uh, Anna Geary, that's me. And, um, my, um, Business partner Anita Baldwin. So we came together probably, um, like two thou, uh, 2019. Um, we knew each other already, just not very well. We kind of knew each other, um, through the like school run when our 16, our girls and our 16, but they went to the same primary school together, so we kind of knew each other fully enough.

[00:01:49] We connected on Facebook, said to know each other on Facebook, and then reconnected. Um, later on, she wanted to do network and I sent her to various places and then we were like, Hey, we could work together. So, Ultimately what Get SVA Club does, it's um, it's an online business that helps our clients attract clients using social media organically.

[00:02:06] So, um, and we, for we have. Helped lots of different types of businesses, but one of the, one of the industries that we help a lot is property and into 2023, we are pretty much due to few opportunities that we've had with different networking bus, um, com, like networking events and things. We're going more into the property, so we help people in property use social media as a tool to get more, more business.

[00:02:33] So what, what that may look like to them. So, It could be like obviously, um, yourself and Mark do getting direct bookings. That's the service accommodation. People that run service accommodations or str, I dunno. In America they call it something different, don't they? But um, then. You know, getting those direct bookings is gonna make you so, so much money.

[00:02:51] So that's important. So some people might be a joint vest, joint, um, like joint venture partners, you know, so people that have got money. So some might be looking for money, some might be looking for direct bookings, some for deals. Um, so yeah, we just help them get out, get out there, get out of their way and get out there online and, uh, make it happen basically.

[00:03:11] And then we have the podcast, which is Marketing Made Easy, which is all about. Helping people, you know, tips and hints on how, how to market your business effectively to get more business.

Top 3 tools

[00:03:20] Liam: What are the top three, either tools or um, social media apps or things that a host or anybody listening to this should consider when thinking about how to market their business?

[00:03:33] Anna: Yeah. In terms of social media, I would say if anybody's not on LinkedIn yet, gets on LinkedIn, um, that, that one is so important. It seems to be the one that's, um, it doesn't fluctuate as much like Facebook and Instagram. The algorithms are, are all over the place and, it makes sense, right? Because.

[00:03:49] Facebook and Instagram, they make their money from you buying ads, whereas LinkedIn people pay for premium, which you don't need, by the way, but that's how they get their money and they've always got their money because loads of people have premium even though they don't need it. So they don't focus on making more money in o other ways because they have that as their way to make money.

[00:04:07] So I think that just makes them a little bit more consistent in terms of the reach and who, and. Search functionality on LinkedIn is just off the scale. Like if, especially if you've got, if you've got STR in one particular location, then you can bother you literally, so up an entire area by searching the locations, those types of people that are going to get it.

[00:04:28] And you can just, you've got, and you've got 30,000, you're not gonna max out. You think five thousand a lot until he hits it at Facebook and on Facebook and then you're constantly trying to like, well, who do you get rid of to let more people in? It's, it is a battle, but 30,000, I mean, I'm on, I think I'm on 28,000.

[00:04:42] I'm a bit more picky now, but that's organically grown. That's not like me going out and just connecting with anyone. If you think I've been on it for, I think it's been going about 20 years, I think, and I've probably been on it, you know, I would say, It's the best part of 16, 17 years or, or whatever. So, and yeah, so obviously it's, it's built, so that's important.

[00:05:02] Get on LinkedIn. Um, TikTok I would say, um, is good, but it's, I also know it's not for everyone, so don't force yourself to go on it if it's like massively out, not. Getting out of your comfort zone is fine, but if you hate it, don't, don't do it. If you can feel, oh, it's just you, you've just gotta get your head around it, then still do it.

[00:05:22] So I'd say like LinkedIn, TikTok. Um, and then in terms of other things that you need to, uh, all platforms work, um, but you've just got to be clear re the, we always say three things actually that are important, which is, um, the three Cs, which is clarity, so exactly. Who's your ideal client? Who do you serve?

[00:05:40] How do you help people? And you'd be surprised by the amount people that get stuck on that and you literally can't move forward until you've got that. But clarity and then confidence. So confidence in what you offer. Confidence to get out there, confidence in so many different ways. And also consistency.

[00:05:53] So it's no point turning up like doing loads in two weeks and then disappearing for two months and then coming back and doing loads where it's better if you just did one post a day, five days a week. On an ongoing basis so that they're, they're the three main things. Clarity, consistency, and, uh, confidence.

[00:06:12] Liam: That confidence is a, is a major one. And we see this a lot within the short-term rentals with people trying to do direct bookings but not necessarily knowing how. And even once they know how it's just somebody just going, no, this is okay. You can, you, you can go out, you can do this and that confidence.

Any tips to improve confidence

[00:06:28] How would, uh, are there any tips that you could have to. Or cheer that it would improve people's confidence. You know, like, I mean you mentioned Link, uh, you mentioned, uh, TikTok there and instantly I start thinking of people dancing and stuff like that. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm not gonna be going on there doing that, but even the confidence to just go live like we're doing now, is there any kind of, Tips or tactics that you can share for, for people to, um, uh, to help them with that?

[00:06:54] Anna: Yeah, so we do have a concept w we train, uh, called your Savvy Self. So there's a lot of research to suggest that having a, uh, an alter ego helps, really helps individuals. So, um, go through a great exercise to write down how you want to show up. So, In your business world. So do you want to be like, I don't know, do, do you want to come across as like positive, reliable, whatever?

[00:07:18] Write them all down and they're the character characteristics that you need to embody. Like, so we talk a lot about, so like even like Beyonce, I. You think Beyonce's like just a superstar now, but she, she had Sasha Fierce and that's, she used to have to say to herself, right, I'm being, cuz she goes from this quiet church girl to like shaking her ass and stays on huge stages.

[00:07:39] She had to like sort of give herself an answer ego, which was Sasha's fierce. But she even says now, after however many years, Trophs and Beyonce are wanting the same person cause they've kind of merged. So there's, there's always gonna be a gap of where you want to be and how you want to show up and where you are now.

[00:07:55] Um, and how you want to, and we're not saying don't be yourself cuz Totally gotta be yourself. But you don't need to show every, you don't, there are some people out there that show warts and all on their social media and you don't have to be that person. You don't, it's, it's not useful for you guys to hear me shouting at my kids in the morning and going.

[00:08:12] Get, hurry up, I've gotta get out the ass. Like that's not useful. And it's not useful when people turn up on social media and, you know, start moaning about a client or, um, complaining that something's gone wrong in their life. That just brings it down. So think about, look at who, who's around you that you like.

[00:08:28] Um, and I don't, we always say remodel cause you. You don't wanna copy people, but take the bits that you like and, and just get started, even if it's little things. But why when I say they're about confidence, if you think like we are, we all buy certainty. Like, you would not buy, you wouldn't buy something from, from me if I, if I said, oh, it might work, or I might be, I may be able to do this, but if I said, buy this thing and it will do this.

[00:08:56] And with absolute certainty then, and, and I think we, we say, we say to people as well, would you buy from you? And you know, if you look at, the posts that you put out or how you come across or what you do, would you buy from you? And if people are honest, they're like, actually, I, I probably wouldn't because I.

[00:09:11] It doesn't seem that compelling. It doesn't seem that you are, you are on board yourself, so you gotta kind of get on board yourself. So that's good exercise. Um, working out your savvy self. So we all go through the process, don't we, of working out who our ideal client is? That's like standard, but then think about who, who, like, who's ideal for you?

[00:09:29] And then who. How do you want to show up? How do you want to be? And it came from when I was a kid. Um, I was quite shy actually. So what I used to do was I used to think, right, okay, what would this thing all the time, I used to be like, what would Madonna do? So, and I had like a picture of Madonna on my wall and I had to look and I think, right, okay, right.

[00:09:48] I'm gonna, I'm gonna do this instead. Like, so there will be, Similar Madonnas for you. And it may be that people that um, are, you know, heavily in the, in the Boostly world are thinking that about you and also Mark. And it could be that they like ways that you show up and they could emulate and, and do that, but it's just about.

[00:10:06] Everybody's gonna suck at something they do the first time, right? Yeah. Everybody is like, I've done sales all my life, but pretty sure whenever I first started on sales, job, whatever, whatever new sales job you, you're going to go through a learning curve. And it's the same with, um, using social media and, ultimately showing up.

[00:10:22] But just remember you're showing up for your business. And if you've got big people always say it sounds a bit. Nah, but it's true. If you're wise big enough, you will get out of your way, to do that. So you've got you, you've got your business, you want it to be a success, and you want direct bookings.

[00:10:34] You don't wanna give all that money to Airbnb. Um, so surely that's pain enough, to start and, and it's not that hard once you get going.


[00:10:42] Liam: Awesome, awesome. Well, thank you so much and, uh, yeah, really appreciate your spending, your, your evening with us and, uh, Also thank you. If you're watching the live or if you've listened to today's episode on the podcast, I know there are a lot of places you can put your attention and I thank you for spending it with Bruce Lee.

[00:10:57] So that's it from me and uh, yeah, that's, that's it from Anna. Um, thanks very much Anna, and bye now. Thank you. Thanks. Bye.

[00:11:05] Anna: Having a blast. Going to get it on the Boostly Podcast, Bruce Lee. Let Bruce Lee cuz it's so hard on the tee is loose leaf picking up those rhymes. Don't write it, just do it loosely.

Before you leave

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Transcript from the Episode


[00:00:00] Liam: Hey, hey, hey. Welcome along everyone, and thank you for tuning in to the New Boostly podcast. This is the podcast that gives hosts the tools, the tactics, the training, and most importantly, the confidence on how you can get more direct bookends. So my name is Liam Carlan. And I'm Mark Simpson's co-host, and today we are shining the Boostly spotlight on Anna Geary.

[00:00:21] From the Get Savvy Club. Uh, she is also a co-host of the Marketing Made Easy podcast. And if you want to find out some more information about her as we get started, you can go to www dot get savvy Um, so today we are talking all things social media, uh, calls to action, how you can make it very easy for your, uh, customer to buy from you, and the different ways that we can do that.

[00:00:47] So Anna, welcome along and thank you for joining me.

[00:00:50] Anna: Hello. Thank you for having me on. Uh, great introduction. You've actually like looked at what I do, which is, really, really good. We're having a bit of a chat affair, weren't we? About how cold you are in the space that you are in.

[00:01:02] Liam: It is literally, I'm in this garden room at the moment and it is freezing.

[00:01:05] So if you do see me shudder on the life, you'll know why, but this is a great,

[00:01:08] Anna: I'm in the opposite. I was just saying I've had my heat. Oh, I've just not left. Microphone. Uh, I do that every time I'm on our podcast. Um, yeah, on the opposite. I like have had my heating on all day and I'm like boiling, boiling,

[00:01:19] Liam: boiling on.

What is Get Savvy Club?

[00:01:20] What is the Get Savvy Club and what problem does it solve? Yeah,

[00:01:24] Anna: so the, the Get Savvy Club, um, is me, uh, Anna Geary, that's me. And, um, my, um, Business partner Anita Baldwin. So we came together probably, um, like two thou, uh, 2019. Um, we knew each other already, just not very well. We kind of knew each other, um, through the like school run when our 16, our girls and our 16, but they went to the same primary school together, so we kind of knew each other fully enough.

[00:01:49] We connected on Facebook, said to know each other on Facebook, and then reconnected. Um, later on, she wanted to do network and I sent her to various places and then we were like, Hey, we could work together. So, Ultimately what Get SVA Club does, it's um, it's an online business that helps our clients attract clients using social media organically.

[00:02:06] So, um, and we, for we have. Helped lots of different types of businesses, but one of the, one of the industries that we help a lot is property and into 2023, we are pretty much due to few opportunities that we've had with different networking bus, um, com, like networking events and things. We're going more into the property, so we help people in property use social media as a tool to get more, more business.

[00:02:33] So what, what that may look like to them. So, It could be like obviously, um, yourself and Mark do getting direct bookings. That's the service accommodation. People that run service accommodations or str, I dunno. In America they call it something different, don't they? But um, then. You know, getting those direct bookings is gonna make you so, so much money.

[00:02:51] So that's important. So some people might be a joint vest, joint, um, like joint venture partners, you know, so people that have got money. So some might be looking for money, some might be looking for direct bookings, some for deals. Um, so yeah, we just help them get out, get out there, get out of their way and get out there online and, uh, make it happen basically.

[00:03:11] And then we have the podcast, which is Marketing Made Easy, which is all about. Helping people, you know, tips and hints on how, how to market your business effectively to get more business.

Top 3 tools

[00:03:20] Liam: What are the top three, either tools or um, social media apps or things that a host or anybody listening to this should consider when thinking about how to market their business?

[00:03:33] Anna: Yeah. In terms of social media, I would say if anybody's not on LinkedIn yet, gets on LinkedIn, um, that, that one is so important. It seems to be the one that's, um, it doesn't fluctuate as much like Facebook and Instagram. The algorithms are, are all over the place and, it makes sense, right? Because.

[00:03:49] Facebook and Instagram, they make their money from you buying ads, whereas LinkedIn people pay for premium, which you don't need, by the way, but that's how they get their money and they've always got their money because loads of people have premium even though they don't need it. So they don't focus on making more money in o other ways because they have that as their way to make money.

[00:04:07] So I think that just makes them a little bit more consistent in terms of the reach and who, and. Search functionality on LinkedIn is just off the scale. Like if, especially if you've got, if you've got STR in one particular location, then you can bother you literally, so up an entire area by searching the locations, those types of people that are going to get it.

[00:04:28] And you can just, you've got, and you've got 30,000, you're not gonna max out. You think five thousand a lot until he hits it at Facebook and on Facebook and then you're constantly trying to like, well, who do you get rid of to let more people in? It's, it is a battle, but 30,000, I mean, I'm on, I think I'm on 28,000.

[00:04:42] I'm a bit more picky now, but that's organically grown. That's not like me going out and just connecting with anyone. If you think I've been on it for, I think it's been going about 20 years, I think, and I've probably been on it, you know, I would say, It's the best part of 16, 17 years or, or whatever. So, and yeah, so obviously it's, it's built, so that's important.

[00:05:02] Get on LinkedIn. Um, TikTok I would say, um, is good, but it's, I also know it's not for everyone, so don't force yourself to go on it if it's like massively out, not. Getting out of your comfort zone is fine, but if you hate it, don't, don't do it. If you can feel, oh, it's just you, you've just gotta get your head around it, then still do it.

[00:05:22] So I'd say like LinkedIn, TikTok. Um, and then in terms of other things that you need to, uh, all platforms work, um, but you've just got to be clear re the, we always say three things actually that are important, which is, um, the three Cs, which is clarity, so exactly. Who's your ideal client? Who do you serve?

[00:05:40] How do you help people? And you'd be surprised by the amount people that get stuck on that and you literally can't move forward until you've got that. But clarity and then confidence. So confidence in what you offer. Confidence to get out there, confidence in so many different ways. And also consistency.

[00:05:53] So it's no point turning up like doing loads in two weeks and then disappearing for two months and then coming back and doing loads where it's better if you just did one post a day, five days a week. On an ongoing basis so that they're, they're the three main things. Clarity, consistency, and, uh, confidence.

[00:06:12] Liam: That confidence is a, is a major one. And we see this a lot within the short-term rentals with people trying to do direct bookings but not necessarily knowing how. And even once they know how it's just somebody just going, no, this is okay. You can, you, you can go out, you can do this and that confidence.

Any tips to improve confidence

[00:06:28] How would, uh, are there any tips that you could have to. Or cheer that it would improve people's confidence. You know, like, I mean you mentioned Link, uh, you mentioned, uh, TikTok there and instantly I start thinking of people dancing and stuff like that. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm not gonna be going on there doing that, but even the confidence to just go live like we're doing now, is there any kind of, Tips or tactics that you can share for, for people to, um, uh, to help them with that?

[00:06:54] Anna: Yeah, so we do have a concept w we train, uh, called your Savvy Self. So there's a lot of research to suggest that having a, uh, an alter ego helps, really helps individuals. So, um, go through a great exercise to write down how you want to show up. So, In your business world. So do you want to be like, I don't know, do, do you want to come across as like positive, reliable, whatever?

[00:07:18] Write them all down and they're the character characteristics that you need to embody. Like, so we talk a lot about, so like even like Beyonce, I. You think Beyonce's like just a superstar now, but she, she had Sasha Fierce and that's, she used to have to say to herself, right, I'm being, cuz she goes from this quiet church girl to like shaking her ass and stays on huge stages.

[00:07:39] She had to like sort of give herself an answer ego, which was Sasha's fierce. But she even says now, after however many years, Trophs and Beyonce are wanting the same person cause they've kind of merged. So there's, there's always gonna be a gap of where you want to be and how you want to show up and where you are now.

[00:07:55] Um, and how you want to, and we're not saying don't be yourself cuz Totally gotta be yourself. But you don't need to show every, you don't, there are some people out there that show warts and all on their social media and you don't have to be that person. You don't, it's, it's not useful for you guys to hear me shouting at my kids in the morning and going.

[00:08:12] Get, hurry up, I've gotta get out the ass. Like that's not useful. And it's not useful when people turn up on social media and, you know, start moaning about a client or, um, complaining that something's gone wrong in their life. That just brings it down. So think about, look at who, who's around you that you like.

[00:08:28] Um, and I don't, we always say remodel cause you. You don't wanna copy people, but take the bits that you like and, and just get started, even if it's little things. But why when I say they're about confidence, if you think like we are, we all buy certainty. Like, you would not buy, you wouldn't buy something from, from me if I, if I said, oh, it might work, or I might be, I may be able to do this, but if I said, buy this thing and it will do this.

[00:08:56] And with absolute certainty then, and, and I think we, we say, we say to people as well, would you buy from you? And you know, if you look at, the posts that you put out or how you come across or what you do, would you buy from you? And if people are honest, they're like, actually, I, I probably wouldn't because I.

[00:09:11] It doesn't seem that compelling. It doesn't seem that you are, you are on board yourself, so you gotta kind of get on board yourself. So that's good exercise. Um, working out your savvy self. So we all go through the process, don't we, of working out who our ideal client is? That's like standard, but then think about who, who, like, who's ideal for you?

[00:09:29] And then who. How do you want to show up? How do you want to be? And it came from when I was a kid. Um, I was quite shy actually. So what I used to do was I used to think, right, okay, what would this thing all the time, I used to be like, what would Madonna do? So, and I had like a picture of Madonna on my wall and I had to look and I think, right, okay, right.

[00:09:48] I'm gonna, I'm gonna do this instead. Like, so there will be, Similar Madonnas for you. And it may be that people that um, are, you know, heavily in the, in the Boostly world are thinking that about you and also Mark. And it could be that they like ways that you show up and they could emulate and, and do that, but it's just about.

[00:10:06] Everybody's gonna suck at something they do the first time, right? Yeah. Everybody is like, I've done sales all my life, but pretty sure whenever I first started on sales, job, whatever, whatever new sales job you, you're going to go through a learning curve. And it's the same with, um, using social media and, ultimately showing up.

[00:10:22] But just remember you're showing up for your business. And if you've got big people always say it sounds a bit. Nah, but it's true. If you're wise big enough, you will get out of your way, to do that. So you've got you, you've got your business, you want it to be a success, and you want direct bookings.

[00:10:34] You don't wanna give all that money to Airbnb. Um, so surely that's pain enough, to start and, and it's not that hard once you get going.


[00:10:42] Liam: Awesome, awesome. Well, thank you so much and, uh, yeah, really appreciate your spending, your, your evening with us and, uh, Also thank you. If you're watching the live or if you've listened to today's episode on the podcast, I know there are a lot of places you can put your attention and I thank you for spending it with Bruce Lee.

[00:10:57] So that's it from me and uh, yeah, that's, that's it from Anna. Um, thanks very much Anna, and bye now. Thank you. Thanks. Bye.

[00:11:05] Anna: Having a blast. Going to get it on the Boostly Podcast, Bruce Lee. Let Bruce Lee cuz it's so hard on the tee is loose leaf picking up those rhymes. Don't write it, just do it loosely.

Before you leave

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