Becoming rentABLE

Changing the way we look at accessible short-term (vacation) rental properties!

Becoming rentABLE was founded in 2021, after years of struggling to find accessible short-term rental properties. Having an accessible short-term rental (STR) property means that there are no barriers to entry for anyone; an elderly relative, a family member with a physical disability or a friend who has been temporarily disabled.

We understand there is ‘no one size fits all’ when it comes to accessibility. Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes. While wheelchair accessibility is talked about the most, there's also hearing, vision, autism/IDD, and walker accessibility. That's why we offer 36 filters, so you can customize your own needs and find the best property for you and your family.

As a solution to the problem of an extreme lack of accessible STR properties in the US, Becoming rentABLE provides a property evaluation, certification and List my property feature.