Why you need to be paying attention to the Flexcation travel Trend

Welcome to Boostly Podcast Season 11 Episode 32. This is a recap of my Facebook live video where I talked about flexcation.

Here's the audio for this episode:

Here's the video for this episode:


00:00 Start
01:20 About Flexcation
02:30 Look at your data
03:50 Get a pricing software

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Transcript from the Episode

In today's lesson, I want to talk to you about something that got really popular in 2020. And so many people missed out on it's called flexcation. What was happening is that the normal summer season was being extended with lockdowns and schools being closed or schools being able to allow their students to work from home. Or you are finding that at the same time families and parents were also working from home as well.

So what we were looking to do instead of trying to get away, maybe in the summer, when the rates were really high, they were hanging on. And they will go in in September in October, sometimes even in November. Obviously, this depends on restrictions were in your area in the real world. So I wonder, and you might be able to wonder as well and plot and plan for this year? Will that be the same? Will schools be a little bit more lenient with attendance? Will they be able to do lessons from home? Is this going to be the new future is the new normal? And it's already going to be a large majority of the adult population who are workers who will never go back to the office? This is why the workcation is a real big industry now.

Look at your data

But can you be also be looking at your calendar and not normal sort of summer season or the school holiday season? Will it be extended? So again, when it comes to your market and looking at your customer avatar, don't just assume that September 6, September the 10th the kids are back at school and then you're going to find you know, baby boomers generation etc. Coming to stay. Look at your data, look at what's happening, look at your inquiries and make a decision based on that, you know, your data and the science that is there for you never lies, you know, shoot assuming is the worst thing that you could do. So look at the data look at the inquiries coming in. And if you start to notice it, look at your mark and look at your social media look at your rates as well. Because again, you may be thinking right well 15th of September 20 of September, maybe at the end of September, early October, I'm going to drop my rates really low down, because we're not going to have as many busy time. But could it be that we've everything that's gone on what you assume is going to be a slump the shoulder season as we like to call it is actually going to be a busy one. So this is why it's really really important.

Get a pricing software

Make sure you go and get a pricing software tool dynamic pricing setup for your business. This will keep you all updated and based off facts. Wheelhouse in my opinion is the best one this year but there are others as well. So bear that in mind. Look at the data aka the inquiries that are coming in and make a decision based off of that. So that's today's lesson about flexcation

Go and google flexcation go check it out to find out more about it as a cool couple of articles that I discovered while while doing my research on this,

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