Post everyday for 365 days

Welcome to Boostly Podcast Season 11 Episode 15. This is a recap of my Facebook live video where I talked about posting everyday for 365 days.

Here's the audio for this episode:


00:00 Start01:10 Stay consistent02:00 Educate or document

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Transcript from the Episode

In today's lesson, what I'm going to explain to you is about staying consistent. Consistency is king. Consistency is the key for so many different ways of saying this. But what I would love to explain to everybody here is that those of you that are consistent you are always feed in the engine feed in the machine, and Facebook, whether it be Google, whether it be LinkedIn, you know, you can pretty much name the top five tech companies, what they crave upon is people consuming their content.

And the more that you put out, and the more that you are feeding that machine. Now, I wouldn't always worry too much about how many people may be buying of a booking, from every piece of content, what you want to be doing is you want to be educating.

Educate or document for 365 days

So what I always say here is either educate or document you either document your business, your day to day or you educate. So education could be potentially What is there to do in the area? What are your recommendations? What is it like to book direct? Why should you book direct that's education.

Document is picking up this and just going to loading up a video and just saying, hey, so today we're doing this. But the trick is to be consistent. There is nothing worse than going to a social media page to see but it hasn't had an a post on for months. It just shows that you don't really care about social media. And before you think I will do my guests actually pay attention to this 87% of guests said in a survey done by fuel travel said that they go and check your social media pages after making a booking. So they do care they do go on this and if you can, this is this is one of the key things that I put to the Grainary, we've been so successful with our online presence is that when we had people arrive, we had people say it was checking, I feel like I know so much about you because of the way that we've documented our business. But because of the way that we interacted online, before they arrived, they felt like they already knew us, which is such a good skill and a good trait to have.

So the main thing is consistency, post every single day. It doesn't have to be much, it can literally be a story, it can simply be a post. But if you do it consistently, if you can post content for 365 days in a row, I guarantee you good things will happen to your business.

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