Google Hotel Ads Explained in Simple Terms

Google Hotel Ads Explained in Simple Terms

Google Hotel Ads Explained in Simple Terms

Google Hotel Ads is now a thing.

What was previously reserved for Online Travel Agents, such as or Expedia, and for the larger chains, such as Marriott and Hilton, is now available to all. (That is, as long as you are with Eviivo. At the time of writing this September 2017, you need to be signed up with that service to use Google Hotel Ads. In the future, this may change.) Whether you're currently on Eviivo or not, it's time to get a lay of the land as far as Google advertising is concerned. To do so, check out my podcast on how to win Google ads.

With this news, I want to explain everything there is to know about Google Hotel Ads and how it could be a massive game changer in the independent hospitality industry.

The main takeaway from this video, which is 18 minutes long, is that with Google Hotel Ads, you can get the visibility that you currently receive by being on the OTAs, but you get to own the booking. I consider this a massive advantage.

I had been struggling to figure out how I was going to present this to my readers, so I invested in a bit of tech and recorded a video on my MacBook. This is the first time I have ventured into this sort of content, so I would appreciate any feedback you may have.


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Comment below, or email me at [email protected].

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I hope you get something from this blog. Make sure you download my new Podcast Series, in which I share 5 Easy Tips That Will Boost Your Direct Bookings. Click on the link to download!



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