Can AI replace copywriters?

Welcome to Boostly Podcast Season 11 Episode 122. This is a recap of my Facebook live where I talked about if AI replace copywriters.

Here's the audio for this episode:

Here's the video for this episode:


00:00 Start
02:30 Can AI replace copywriters?
03:00 What is copywriting?
04:10 How AI can help you write more attractive property decriptions
05:00 What I think about it

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Transcript from the Episode

Now you may have seen the title and some of you may not even know what a copywriter is, you may not even know what AI is. So let me just share a little bit of the light.

What is copywriting?

The best way to describe that for people who don't have a clue is anytime you read something, and it persuades you to make an action take an action, whether it's a purchase or a click, that's copywriting and having good words on your website on your marketing is everything now I know that 95% of hosts do it themselves, just wish would have asked about 2% and maybe copy other people's and just paste it on theirs which is a no-no. But then there are the other three percent who actually do hire copywriters to help them create content.

There are many other fantastic copywriters who are helping hospitality businesses actually make a difference with the words that they use on their site. And when you get the right words, it does make a big difference. But as with everything, the world is evolving. And I recently came across this blog post Now you may or may not know or recognize as a fantastic Thibault Masson. from rental scale up, and he put together a pretty comprehensive blog post all about AI.

How AI can help you write more attractive property decriptions

And the title is how AI can help you write more attractive property descriptions and even reply to get reviews faster, even the negative ones. So do go and check it out, run a little Google search, I'll try my best to remember to put this in the link in the description and in the blog post. But in it he goes to show you his experiences with using Now, there's a lot of these new AI tools that are becoming available. This is not the only one and there's a lot of them. And they're not yet there. But who knows in five or 10 years time it may be an option who knows the Airbnb and bookings and VRBO may actually offer that as part of their service. But the blog is really good. I do want you to go and check it out and really give it a good read and let me know your opinions below.

What I think about it

My personal opinion is that technology does try and solve a lot of problems that are out there. But there are still things that need the human touch. I believe that AI will enable copywriters and help copywriters are better to even create an even better copy but you still need that human element.

Before you leave

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